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chaining commands
global options
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ROBOT is licensed under the
BSD 3-Clause License.
Theme by orderedlist

Global Options


  1. Java Options
  2. Prefixes (--prefix, --add-prefix)
  3. XML Catalogs (--catalog)
  4. Logging (-v, -vv, -vvv)
  5. XML Entities (--xml-entities)
  6. Strict Parsing (--strict)

Java Options

Java options can be used to configure the JVM that ROBOT runs on. A full list of the Java command line options can be found by entering java on the command line. Non-standard options can be found by entering java -X.

Sometimes when working with very large ontologies, the JVM will run out of memory (OutOfMemoryError). You can increase the max heap size using the Java option -Xmx4G, which increases the heap to 4G. Any size can be specified here, e.g. -Xmx8G.

Linux & MacOS

The Java options for ROBOT can be set by running export ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS=<options> prior to running a ROBOT command. This will only save the Java options in the current process space.

To set the Java options for ROBOT permanently, you will need to edit your .bash_profile and add the line export ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS=<options>. This is the same file you edited to add ROBOT to your system PATH, usually located in your root directory. You can verify that the variable is set by running echo $ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS.

You can also set ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS and run robot in one command:

export ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS=<java options> && robot <command> <robot options>

For example, to increase memory:

export ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS=-Xmx4G && robot <command> <robot options>


The Java options for ROBOT can be set by running set ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS=<options> prior to running a ROBOT command. This will only save the Java options in the current process space. To set the Java options for ROBOT permanently, run setx ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS <options>.

Platform Independent

Alternatively, if you are running ROBOT directly from the jar, these can be specified in the command itself:

java <java options> -jar robot.jar <command> <robot options>

For example, to increase memory:

java -Xmx4G -jar robot.jar <command> <robot options>


Terms in OBO and OWL are identified using IRIs (Internationalized Resource Identifiers), which generalize the familiar addresses for web pages. IRIs have many advantages, but one of their disadvantages is that they can be pretty long. So we have standard ways to abbreviate IRIs in a particular context by specifying prefixes. For example, Turtle files start with @prefix statements, SPARQL queries start with PREFIX statements, and JSON-LD data includes a @context with prefixes.

For robot we use the JSON-LD format. See obo_context.jsonld for the JSON-LD context that is used by default. It includes common, general linked-data prefixes, and prefixes for all the OBO library projects.

If you do not want to use the defaults, you can use the --noprefixes option. If you want to replace the defaults, use the --prefixes option and specify your JSON-LD file. Whatever your choice, you can add more prefixes using the --prefix option, as many times as you like. Finally, you can print or save the current prefixes using the export-prefixes command.

The various prefix options can be used with any command. When chaining commands, you usually want to specify all the prefix options first, so that they are used “globally” by all commands. But you can also use prefix options for single commands. Here’s a silly example with a global prefix “foo” and a local prefix “bar”. The first export includes both the global and local prefixes, while the second export includes only the global prefix.

robot --noprefixes --prefix "foo: http://foo#" \
  export-prefixes --prefix "bar: http://bar#" \

The --add-prefix and --add-prefixes options allows you to specify prefix mappings in the same way as --prefix and --prefixes:

robot --noprefixes --add-prefixes foo.json \
  --add-prefix "bar: http://bar#" --add-prefix "baz: http://baz#" \
  export-prefixes --output results/bar.json

The difference is that the --prefix/--prefixes options do not include the new prefix in the header of the output ontology, whereas --add-prefix/--add-prefixes options do, for example in Turtle:

@prefix foo: <http://foo#> .
@prefix bar: <http://bar#> .
@prefix baz: <http://baz#> .

XML Catalogs

OWLAPI, Protégé, and ROBOT use XML catalogs to specify where import files are located when loading an ontology. By default, this catalog is called catalog-v001.xml. ROBOT assumes that a catalog-v001.xml file exists in the input directory (the same directory as the --input ontology) and attempts to resolve imports based on that. Because Protégé also predicts that catalog, we recommend sticking to this standard. For more details, see Importing Ontologies in Protégé and OWL 2.

That said, occasionally, you may want to use different catalog files for different purposes. This is especially useful for automated releases with Makefiles. ROBOT provides an option to specify the catalog location with --catalog.

For example, you may want to merge a set of edited import ontologies to create a module. You may have one set of imports for one module, and another set of imports for another module. You can also chain this command with annotate to specify the output ontology’s IRI.

robot merge --catalog catalog.xml \
 --input imports.owl \
 annotate --ontology-iri \
 --output results/merged_catalog.owl

If a catalog file is specified and cannot be located, the ontology will be loaded without a catalog file. Similarly, if you do not provide a --catalog and the catalog-v001.xml file does not exist in your working directory, the ontology will be loaded without a catalog file. Finally, if the catalog specifies an import file that does not exist, the command will fail.


ROBOT logs a variety of messages that are typically hidden from the user. When something goes wrong, a detailed exception message is thrown. If the exception message does not provide enough details, you can run the command again with the -vvv (very-very-verbose) flag to see the stack trace.

There are three levels of verbosity:

  1. -v, --verbose: WARN-level logging
  2. -vv, --very-verbose: INFO-level logging
  3. -vvv, --very-very-verbose: DEBUG-level logging, including stack traces

XML Entities

If the --xml-entities option is included, entities will be used for namespace abbreviations. For example, in a typical RDF/XML file (OBI, for example), the base prefix may be defined as:


If namespace abbreviations are used, the RDF/XML file will include a header with prefix abbreviations (prior to the rdf:RDF tag). The obo prefix, for example, is:

<!ENTITY obo "" >

The obo abbreviation would be substituted for any instance of in the rest of the RDF/XML file, as demonstrated by the base prefix:


Strict Parsing

Sometimes, ROBOT is unable to parse all triples in an input file. By default, these triples are excluded from the loaded ontology, but this can cause downstream issues if the triples were expected to be in certain outputs. By including the --strict flag, ROBOT will fail on unparsed triples. The --strict flag also turns on strict parsing in the configuration object for loading the ontology with the OWLAPI OWLOntologyManager.

Unparsed triples are often caused by RDF reification, which is different than OWL reification (for more details, please see this post). ROBOT is a tool for working with OWL-format ontologies, not RDF. Usually, instances of RDF reification can easily be fixed by replacing rdf:Statement with owl:Axiom. For example, this statement cannot be parsed by ROBOT:

_:blank rdf:type rdf:Statement .

… but this statement is OK:

_:blank rdf:type owl:Axiom .

Error Messages


ROBOT encountered a problem while writing the given prefixes to JSON-LD.

Missing File Error

The file provided for an input does not exist. Check the path and try again.